MU Students and Faculty Attend PASSHE Women’s Consortium

MANSFIELD, PA— Mansfield University Women’s Studies students Miranda Peery, Adrian Peery, Riley Thomas and Rachel Roupp, along with Women’s Studies Director Shawndra Holderby, attended the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) Women’s Consortium at the Dixon University Center in Harrisburg on October 2-3.(L-R) Rachel Roupp, Adrian Peery, Shawndra Holderby, Miranda Peery, Riley Thomas

The two-day conference centered on panels and workshops highlighting women’s leadership in and out of the classroom.

The PASSHE Women’s Consortium is devoted to identifying and serving the needs of women. It connects faculty, students, staff and administrators from the 14 campuses of the State System.

To learn more about the Women’s Studies Program at MU, go to