Journalist Seamus McGraw to Speak at MU

MANSFIELD, PA—“Getting Past the Fractures: Looking for the Rational Middle in Debates Over Fracking and Climate Change” will be the topic of a presentation by Seamus McGraw at The HUT at Mansfield University on Thursday, November 12 at 7 p.m. The presentation is free and open to the public.

Seamus McGraw-book coverMcGraw will read from his book, Betting the Farm on a Drought: Stories from the Front Line of Climate Change, and lead a discussion of the ways in which debates about climate change are polarized in national media and the decline of science reporting in the mainstream press.

A journalist and award-winning author of The End of Country: Dispatches from the Frack Zone, McGraw has been a regular contributor to many publications, including the New York Times, Huffington Post, Playboy, Popular Mechanics, Reader’s Digest, The Forward, Spin, Stuff and Radar. He has also appeared on Fox Latino.

McGraw has received the Freedom of Information Award from the Associated Press Managing Editors, the Golden Quill Award, as well as honors from the Casey Foundation and the Society of Professional Journalists.

Seamus MGraw“The author may have found that there is reason to despair on the legislative level, but fortunately, he also found more openness to finding common ground among common folks and those who are in the trenches trying to decipher climate change,” writes Kirkus Review about Betting the Farm on the Drought. “McGraw discovers that the respectful middle of the road is the most likely place to find a bridge to a sustainable energy future.”

McGraw’s presentation is sponsored by the Institute of Science and the Environment and the Honors Program at Mansfield University. It is part of the Speakers for Tomorrow series and the Great Conversations series

For more information on the talk, please contact Lilace Guignard, Director of the Institute of Science and the Environment at