Six Programs Placed in Moratorium

Mansfield UniversityMANSFIELD, PA—The Mansfield University Council of Trustees voted at its March 26 meeting to place six academic programs into moratorium.

The programs are the MA in Music, MS in Children’s Literature, BS in Art Education, BS in Spanish Education, BA in Spanish and BA in Sociology/Anthropology.

“These were very difficult decisions to make, but are necessary as we address our current budget situation and the future viability of our university,” MU President Fran Hendricks said. “The task is not complete. The Cabinet and I, with guidance from the Trustees, continue to work with our faculty and staff to reinvent the delivery of academic programs and services to ensure the continued quality of service and support for our students.”

“The programs placed in moratorium were identified for low enrollment over the past five years, among other criteria,” Interim Provost David Stinebeck said. “Students enrolled in these programs will be provided the opportunity to complete their degree studies.”

Currently enrolled students can complete their course of study in the affected programs, but no new students will be admitted to those programs. Once all currently enrolled students complete their studies, the programs will be discontinued.