Veterans Honored at Luncheon

MANSFIELD, PA— Mansfield University honored students, faculty and staff who are serving or have served in the U.S. military with a Veterans Appreciation Luncheon on Tuesday, November 10 in North Manser Hall.The MU Army ROTC Color Guard presents the colors.Brigadier General (Retired) Jerry G. Beck Jr., who now serves as deputy adjutant general–Veterans Affairs for the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, was the guest speaker.

Beck pointed out that Pennsylvania’s veteran population of 950,000 is fourth highest in the nation.

“The dedication, service and sacrifice these individuals made on a daily basis ensure the continuation of the safety and freedoms that we as Pennsylvanians enjoy and cherish,” he said.Brigadier General (Retired) Jerry G. Beck Jr. was today's guest speaker.Beck had special thanks for the families of veterans and service members for the hardships they endure in support of their loved ones and all those support the military. But he saved his highest praise for those who have answered the call to serve.

“Regardless of how we earned the title of veteran, we all share a unique bond,” Beck told the gathering. “Veterans are part of a uniquely American collective. Whenever America’s interests have been threatened, men and women from across this great nation have risen to her defense. Whenever our freedoms have come under assault, we responded with strength, with purpose and with resolve. To the veterans here today, whether you fought our nation’s wars or worked hand-in-hand with our nation’s allies preserving the peace, whether you are a National Guardsman, a Reservist or an Active Duty service member, you have given us security, you have given us prosperity, and you have given us the greatest nation on this earth.”

To see photos from the event, click here.

The Veterans Appreciation Luncheon was provided by William B. Wilson American Legion Post 572, Dan and Mindy (Engel) Hoffman, Troy Vets Club, Mansfield University Foundation and PSECU. The event sponsored by the MU Military & Veteran Affairs Office.

For information about academic programs and support for Military and Veterans at MU, go to