Presidential Coin for Excellence Awarded to Irene Morgan ’81

MANSFIELD, PA— Irene Morgan, executive director of Partners in Progress (PIP), Inc., was awarded the Mansfield University Presidential Coin for Excellence by President Fran Hendricks onIrene Morgan and MU President Fran Hendricks. Monday, March 14. She is the 25th person to receive the honor since it was established in 2014.

The presentation was made at PIP Headquarters in Mansfield with Morgan’s co-workers and clients looking on.

“In light of all the work Irene has done to benefit and advocate for the disabled in our area, and for the great relationship she has fostered with our students and staff at Mansfield University, she is very deserving of this honor,” Hendricks said.

Morgan graduated from Mansfield in 1981, marking the 35th anniversary of receiving her degree this year. She received the Outstanding Young Alumni Award in 1997.

Before joining PIP, Morgan owned Joyful Happenings Day Care in Mansfield from 1983-98. During those years she became involved in community service, including Tioga County Special Olympics. She also served on the PIP Board of Directors.Irene Morgan and MU President Fran Hendricks with PIP clients.When the original PIP closed its doors in in the mid-1990s, Morgan joined the new Board that created the Partners in Progress that exists today and began working part-time. She was named assistant director in 1997 and executive director in 2000. She continues to be involved in Tioga County Special Olympics, as well as the Mansfield Chamber of Commerce and Tioga County Visitors Bureau.

PIP provides services and creates opportunities for individuals with disabilities in Tioga County. PIP strives to ensure that each client receives continuity of care by offering a wide range of services to benefit clients and their families, developing and implementing vocational and social activities to improve the quality of life for all within the community.

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The coin was developed by Hendricks and designed by MU Senior Graphics Designer Andy Worthington. It is awarded selectively to persons who have made significant contributions to the university, using the attributes of the Mansfield Creed; Character, Scholarship, Culture and Service as a guideline.

The coin bears several symbols representing historical highlights and other aspects of the university that make it distinctive.

For more information on the Mansfield University Presidential Coin for Excellence and to see the gallery of honorees, go to