History Club Travels to Italy and Greece

MANSFIELD, PA— Thirty-eight Mansfield University students, faculty, alumni and family members traveled to Italy and Greece on the History Club’s 10th anniversary Spring Break trip March 5-13.The MU History Club group at the Acropolis in Greece.The group was led by Associate Professor Shawndra Holderby, History and Political Science, Associate Professor Adrianne McEvoy, Philosophy, and Professor Robert Maris, Biology.

The MU contingent visited Rome, Pompeii, Athens, Delphi and the Greek Islands of Mykonos, Santorini, Crete, Samos and Patmos.

The trip allowed the students to learn about ancient Rome and Greece by visiting the Roman Coliseum, the Pantheon and Pompeii in Italy. Students also visited the Vatican museum in Vatican City.

“One highlight was that the students were able to walk through the Holy Doors at St. Peter’s Basilica,” Holderby said. “The doors, which are usually only open during Jubilee Years every 25 years, were open this year for the Jubilee Year of Mercy, which Pope Francis proclaimed last December.”

The group then traveled to Pompeii to learn about the archaeological site which was covered in volcanic ash in 79 AD. The students visited the Acropolis in Athens and Apollo’s Oracle of Delphi in Greece. The tour ended with a three-day cruise of the Greek Isles.

“A highlight for many of the students was hiking to the top of the volcano on the island of Santorini and looking into the smoking caldera,” Holderby said.

This was the 10th anniversary of Mansfield University’s Spring Break trips sponsored by the MU History Club and Student Government Association.