MU Students Participate in Alternative Spring Break

MANSFIELD, PA— Six Mansfield University students, along with Assistant Professor of Psychology Nicolle Mayo, passed on traditional spring break activities in order to participate in “Break a Difference,” an alternative spring break, in Baltimore, MD the week of March 7.ASB 1Mayo, MU Team Leaders Marissa Gilbert and Michaela Brant, along with Shawn Mayo, Michelle Howe, Catherine Emerick and Mykalia Reiter were put into groups with volunteers from other colleges and universities. Each student volunteered for over 60 hours throughout the week with many different organizations.

The MU contingent volunteered in programs such as “Foods Not Bombs,” “Baltimore Tool Bank,” “Civic Works,” “Moveable Feasts,” and others overseen by the The United Way and The Boys and Girls Club in Baltimore.ASB 2

“Alternative Spring Break has helped me grow into a better person and helped me become more comfortable with myself,” Gilbert said. “It made me realize I can’t take life for granted and I hope to continue this experience for years.”

The MU group also participated in a college fair, talking with students about benefits of going to college and the positive impact of obtaining a college degree.

Also during the week, the “Break a Difference” volunteers had the opportunity to visit some of the sights in Baltimore and Washington, DC.ASB 3“This experience has helped me to grow immensely and I’ll never forget it,” Reiter said.

“It’s okay to step out of your comfort zone,” Emerick added.

The Mansfield effort was organized by Frank Crofchick, Community Conduct officer and Service coordinator and Community Service Club advisor.

“I couldn’t be more proud of a group of students who wanted to make a difference in someone else’s lives, and I know that’s just what they did,” Crofchick said.

To see more pictures from the Mansfield “Break a Difference” experience, go to the Community Service Club Facebook page at

For more information on the Community Service Club and community and volunteer services and opportunities at MU, go to