MU Students Organize Addiction Awareness Walk

MANSFIELD, PA— Mansfield University Social Work majors Kadie VanOrsdale, Desteny Reisman and AnyssaKadie VanOrsdale, Desteny Reisman and Anyssa Hand Hand partnered with the Westfield Area Addiction and Drug Education (WAADE) group, led by Lisa Button, to organize a walk for addiction awareness on March 19 at Cownesque Valley High School.

The walk attracted more than 70 participants. It was led by the Elkland Chapter of the Guardian Angels. During this event there were four speakers who shared their stories of addiction experiences.The MU students are members of Associate Professor Mary Daly’s Communities and Organizations class.

For more information on WAADE, go to or 2For more information on the Social Work Program at Mansfield, go to