Convocation Kicks Off New Academic Year

MANSFIELD, PA—The 159th academic year at Mansfield University got underway with Convocation on Friday.

Brian Loher, professor of Psychology, was the featured Professor Brian Loher delivers the keynote address.speaker for the ceremony. In his address, “Interesting Times,” Loher offered three suggestions to Mansfield’s newest students.

“Control what you can and adjust to the rest, get involved, and my third point is less a point and more a viewpoint on life,” he said.  “For good or ill, never confuse today with forever.”

“There will be more good times than bad,” Loher added. “Enjoy the good times, deal with the bad. Remember your successes and deal with the challenges.”

MU President Fran Hendricks, a 1979 Mansfield graduate, welcomed the campus community to the beginning of a new academic year and addressed most of his remarks toward the incoming freshman class.

MU President Fran Hendricks speaks at Convocation.“Having traveled the same path at Mansfield that you’re about to begin, I can say unequally, Mansfield is more than a university, it is also the land of giants,” he said. “Giants in the form of professors, coaches, staff and alums, who through your hard work and diligence will lift you up and place you upon their shoulders so as to assist you in reaching your full potential.”

“Mansfield is a land of gigantic opportunities,” Hendricks added. “A place where each of you can discover your passion and create a launch pad for unimaginable personal success and impact.”

Convocation is presented by the Mansfield University Senate. “The Spirit and The Pride of Pennsylvania” MU Marching Band performed outside Straughn Hall before and after the ceremony. The Pride Brass Quintet and members of the Concert Choir performed during Convocation.The Class of 2020.Following the ceremony, a picnic for students, faculty and staff was held on the lawn in front of Memorial Hall.

MU welcomed its newest students to campus on Thursday. Returning students began arriving Friday.

The new students take part in a series of orientation activities and events throughout the weekend to help prepare them for college life.

Classes begin on Monday.

To see more photos from today’s events, click here.