Jenn Libby Exhibit at Loomis Gallery

MANSFIELD, PA- “Record,” an exhibit by Jenn Libby, is on displayRecord by Jenn Libby at the Mansfield University Loomis Gallery. The exhibit will run through October 3.

“Record” is a series of wet-plate collodion photograms inspired by early Wunderkammer. Addressing the topics of memory and archiving, these camera-less images record everyday objects by capturing their shadows using a 19th century photographic process in an unusual way.       

For more information on Libby, go to

There will be a wet-plate collodion demonstration on Wednesday, September 24, 1-3:30 p.m. in Allen Hall, Room 216.

The Loomis Gallery is located in Allen Hall, 135 Stadium Drive. It is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Saturdays 1-4 p.m. and by appointment.

For more information on the gallery, go to

The exhibit is sponsored by MU Art Acquisition and Exhibition Committee, which is funded by Mansfield University College Community Services Inc. (CCSI), the Mansfield University Foundation and is supported by student activity fees.