During the final week of
Fall classes, students at Mansfield, a Commonwealth University, got to
meet and speak with several practitioners about the criminal justice
field and employment opportunities.
Jon Mayes, a 1999 Mansfield
CJ graduate, returned to his alma mater on Monday, November 28th. Jon
spoke to students in Dr. Crowl’s Intro to CJ class and Dr. Nicolle
Mayo’s Career Planning course about juvenile corrections and employment
opportunities with the Bureau of Juvenile Justice Services and his
employer South Mountain Secure Treatment Unit.
Two days later, on
Wednesday, November 30th, Warden Ryan Fish from the Tioga County
Prison, accompanied by Deputy Warden Brandon Chilson, Sergeant Josh
Glenn and Casey Zuchowski, Tioga County HR Director, visited campus to
speak with Mansfield criminal justice students about corrections and
employment opportunities available at the Prison. CJ students employed
at Tioga County Prison can use the experience as a paid internship to
gain academic course credit.
For more information about criminal
justice internship and employment opportunities, contact Dr. Crowl
jcrowl@mansfield.edu or Dr. Wheeler ewheeler@mansfield.edu.