Concert Choir to Perform April 25

MANSFIELD, PA— The Mansfield University Concert Choir, under theThe Concert Choir performing at the 2014 World Choir Games. direction of Peggy Dettwiler, will give their final performance of the academic year on Saturday, April 25, 7:30 p.m. in Steadman Theatre. The concert is free and open to the public.

The choir’s program will feature a variety of works in contrasting styles from Bach to Whitacre to Muslim music from the Philippines. They will also display their overtone singing abilities on a piece by Ethan Sperry based on an Indian raga.

Darrick King, graduate student in choral conducting, will lead the group on three selections; a chorus from Mendelssohn’s Elijah, a prayer by Maurice Durufle and a rousing African-American spiritual.

The MU Concert Choir has contributed significantly to Mansfield’s reputation of musical excellence. The group has traveled throughout the region and performed in seventeen European countries accumulating a vast array of prizes, including nine gold medals in choral Olympic competition. In addition, the Concert Choir was awarded the 2011 American Prize in Choral Performance for the College/University Division, a national award given from recordings submitted. The choir made their Carnegie Hall debut in January of 2014.

The singers are committed to communicating their love of choral music and are frequently praised for the emotional spectrum in their performances, their diverse vocal color and their varied repertoire.