MU Mourns the Passing of Former President Maravene Loeschke

MANSFIELD, PA— The Mansfield University campus community is Maravene Loeschkemourning the passing of former President Maravene Loeschke, who passed away on Thursday, June 25 due to complications from cancer.

Loeschke served as MU president from July 2006 to December 2011. She left Mansfield to become president of her alma mater, Towson University in Maryland.

“President Loeschke made everyone feel special, MU President Fran Hendricks said. “She always made time for our students and will be remembered for her inspiring words to pursue your dreams with unbridled passion.”

Before coming to MU, Loeschke was provost at Wilkes University and dean of the College of Fine Arts and Communication of Towson. She began her academic career as an instructor in the Theatre Department at Towson in 1970.

Loeschke earned a Bachelor of Science degree in theatre and English and a master’s degree in education from Towson. She received her Ph.D. from The Union Institute in Cincinnati, OH.

Details regarding funeral services are still pending. The story will be updated as they become known.