TRiO Program Receives Renewal in Funding

MANSFIELD, PA— Mansfield University officials have received notificationTRiO from the U.S. Department of Education that the TRiO Student Support Services (SSS) will continue to be funded from 2015 through 2020.

The highly competitive grant funded TRiO program is now in its 11th year at Mansfield. The program offers academic assistance to eligible undergraduate students in order to increase persistence and lead to graduation. There is no charge for services provided to students through Student Support Services. All participants are assigned an individual advisor who will help them in determining their specific strengths and weaknesses so that the program can offer the most appropriate assistance for each student.

“Our application for this grant obtained a near perfect score (99.3%) from the reviewers,” Provost Steven Siconolfi said. “The advantage that TRiO brings to the students of Mansfield are increased opportunities for mentoring students for academic success with a direct translation to their first and subsequent careers. TRiO is an integral part of the liberal arts education that is provided by Mansfield, a COPLAC (Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges) institution.”

Siconolfi credits Jason Roscoe, academic advisor and interim director of TRiO, Jeremiah Gee, director of Assessment, Institutional Effectiveness and Compliance, and Deb Rotella, chair of the Academic and Human Development Department, for their efforts in the grant application process and President Fran Hendricks and the University Cabinet for their support.

To learn more about the TRiO program at Mansfield, go to