Presidential Coin for Excellence Awarded to Janice Kennedy

MANSFIELD, PA— Professor emeritus and alumnus Janice (Madigan)MU President Fran Hendricks presents the Presidential Coin for Excellence to Janice Kennedy. Kennedy was awarded the Mansfield University Presidential Coin for Excellence by President Fran Hendricks on July 29.

The presentation took place at the annual alumni summer gathering at Eagles Mere, PA.

Kennedy, a 1946 Mansfield graduate, returned to her alma mater in 1969 as a professor in Home Economics. She also served as director of the Academic Advising Center and coordinator of International Education before retiring in 1989. She was the first advisor of the Mansfield International Students Organization (MISO) when it was formed in 1980 and has established a scholarship fund to help international students in need.

“Dr. Kennedy epitomizes the Mansfield Creed,” Hendricks said. “She has impacted the lives of several generations of Mansfield students.”

The coin was developed by Hendricks and designed by MU Publications Director Andy Worthington. It is awarded selectively to persons who have contributed greatly to the university, using the Mansfield Creed; Character, Scholarship, Culture and Service as a guideline.

The coin bears several symbols representing historical highlights and other aspects of the university that make it distinctive.

For more information on the Mansfield University Presidential Coin for Excellence and to see the gallery of honorees, go to