Hazard Mitigation Plan Public Meeting to be Held

MANSFIELD, PA—Since January 2014, Mansfield University and the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) have been updating the Mansfield University All-Hazards Mitigation Plan.HMP

The updated Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) will be the blueprint for reducing or eliminating long-term property damage and saving lives from the effects of future natural and man-made disasters in the community.

After evaluating risks, assessing capabilities, and developing a mitigation strategy, the Mansfield University Hazard Mitigation Steering Committee is inviting county, municipal, non-profit, and business stakeholders, the campus community, and members of the public to hear about the draft plan, provide feedback on the HMP, and learn about plan implementation strategies.

The final public meeting will be held December 2, 11 a.m. in Alumni Hall, Room 307.

The draft plan is available for review and comment online at www.mansfielduniversityhmp.com through December 3

The HMP, when approved, will guide the University towards greater disaster resistance as part of on-going efforts to create a more sustainable community. An approved plan will also qualify the University Center for certain kinds of FEMA mitigation project funding.