MU Graduate James Querry Inducted into Blood Donation Hall of Fame

MANSFIELD, PA— James Querry, who graduated from Mansfield University last spring, returned to campus on November 18 to be inducted into the Fenwal Blood Donation Hall of Fame for 2015.

In April, Querry was named as Volunteer of the Year by the Community Blood Bank (CBB) of Northwest Pennsylvania and Western New York, which made him eligible for the Hall of Fame honor.James Querry (center) with Anthony Montemurro of Fresenius Kabi (immediate left), MU President Fran Hendricks (immediate right) and members of the MU Council of Trustees. Anthony Montemurro of Fresenius Kabi, the global health care company that sponsors the Hall of Fame, made the presentation to Querry with MU President Fran Hendricks, members of the MU Council of Trustees and other Mansfield officials and friends looking on.

Montemurro praised Querry’s success as student donor chair at MU, pointing out that he did such an outstanding job that CBB created best practices and the position of the student donor chair/liaison, modeled on Querry’s efforts, for other schools to implement and use as a guide.

“On behalf of Fresenius Kabi and Community Blood Bank (CBB) of Northwest Pennsylvania and Western New York, I want to thank you, James, for selflessly donating blood and organizing blood drives at Mansfield to help save and improve the lives of countless people,” Montemurro said. “Your passion and commitment is an inspiration to us all.”James QuerryQuerry graciously accepted the honor and thanked Lora Cope, CBB Mobile Drive coordinator, for her guidance and support. He also thanked his brothers in Phi Sigma Kappa and challenged them to keep the blood drives going.

In addition, Querry thanked the Office of Greek Life, headed by Assistant Director of Student Life Mary Beth Kollar, the Student Affairs Division, the Mansfield Inter-Fraternity and Panhellenic Councils and all the Greek organizations for their support of CBB Blood Drives at MU.