Fall Commencement 2015

MANSFIELD, PA— Two hundred fifty four students received degrees at Mansfield University’s 151st Commencement on Saturday, December 12 at Decker Gymnasium.web MU Fall Commencement 15 1“Today, you head out on you life’s journey with new found knowledge, needed skills and the confidence to step through the doors of opportunity that await each of you,” MU President Fran Hendricks told the graduates. “The degree you now possess, coupled with the gritty determination that comes with a Mansfield education, will give you courage and confidence to reach your full potential.”

Russ Dodson, retiring professor in the Department of Geosciences, delivered the capstone address. Dodson, who has taught at Mansfield for 33 years, recounted many of his travels around the world to illustrate three pieces of advice for the new graduates.Retiring Professer Russ Dodson delivered the capstone address.“All the world is not like Mansfield, and boy am I glad,” Dodson said. “This is not a slam on Mansfield, I love it here. Instead, it is a recognition that it is the diversity in the world that makes it interesting. No matter how great your hometown, the world would be poorer if every place was like it. Also, be willing to take risks, but not stupid ones, and be willing to laugh at yourself.”

“Now it’s time for us, for you and me, to leave Mansfield and begin a grand new adventure,” he added. “For me, that’s retirement. For you, it’s the world of work and paying taxes. But let’s make travel to interesting places an important part of that new adventure. Let’s experience some of the diversity, that wonderful diversity that is in this world.”

The Student Government Association (SGA) presented a graduation coin to each graduate. Also, four faculty and staff members, representing the four tenets of the Mansfield Creed, were honored with the current year’s coin for their service to MU students.(L-R) Abby Werlock, Alan Zellner and Adrianne McEvoy. Nancy Nauman was unable to attend the ceremony.SGA Treasurer Joseph Turner, presented recipients Adrianne McEvoy, associate professor of Philosophy; Nancy Nauman, fiscal technician for College Community Services, Inc.; Abby Werlock, adjunct instructor in English and Alan Zellner, Social Equity & Multicultural Affairs officer, with this year’s coin.

Graduates and alumni are able to purchase additional coins for this year, or their year of graduation, through the Mountie Den campus bookstore. All proceeds go directly to the H2S (Here to Serve) No-Interest Loan Fund for MU students.

Also during Commencement, Patrick Henderson represented the Council of Trustees and introduced Dodson, President Sharon Mokrzynski Kendrick represented the Alumni Association, and Joseph Maresco, immediate past president, represented the Mansfield University Foundation.

The MU Brass Band, conducted by Associate Professor Nathan Rinnert, provided musical accompaniment for the event. Music major Lucas Lourenco was soloist. Campus Minister Courtney Hull delivered the convocation. Associate Professor Charles Hoy served as grand marshal and Professor Scott Davis was herald.