“Social Responsibilities of Scientists” Topic of February 11 Presentation

MANSFIELD, PA—“The Social Responsibilities of Scientists” will beWendel-Talk the topic of a presentation by Paul Wendel and Kevin Svitana in Grant Science Center, Room 153 on Thursday, February 11 at 4 p.m. The presentation is free and open to the public.

Wendel and Svitana will discuss the imperatives and challenges of designing research studies and communicating data to community members, government agencies, industry and scientific peers.

Wendel teaches science education at Otterbein University in Ohio and his research interests include the environmental impacts of shale gas extraction. Svitana, also from Otterbein, is an environmental scientist specializing in water management. He is a licensed geologist in five states and a certified professional practicing in the Ohio Voluntary Action Program, which focuses on brownfield development.

The presentation is part of the Speakers for Tomorrow series and sponsored by the Institute of Science and the Environment at Mansfield University.

For more information on the talk, contact Lilace Guignard, Director of the Institute of Science and the Environment, at lguignar@mansfield.edu