School Library Faculty receive Honors

MANSFIELD, PA— Three members of the Mansfield University SchoolLibrary World Library & Information Technologies faculty have received major honors.

Deb Kachel has been named the 2014 American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Distinguished Service Award recipient.

The award recognizes an individual member of the library profession who has, over a significant period of time, made an outstanding national contribution to school librarianship and school library development.

Kachel will receive the award as part of the AASL President’s Program at the ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas, NV this summer.

Sara Johns will receive the Delta Kappa Gamma Society for Women Educators New York State Frederica Hollister Professional Educator’s Award on April 26 at the organization’s state convention. 

The award is presented to a Delta Kappa Gamma Society who has made a significant impact on education in New York State

Department Chair Cynthia Keller was awarded the Pennsylvania Excellence in Education Award at the Alpha Delta Kappa International Women Educators state convention earlier this month. 

The Excellence in Education Award recognizes members of Alpha Delta Kappa for their outstanding contributions to education.

To learn more about the School Library & Information Technologies online Master’s program, go to