More than 1,200 Hours of Community Service Completed in “The Big Event”

MANSFIELD, PA— Three Hundred and fifty Mansfield University students, along with staff and faculty, were out in force on Saturday, April 16, completing 1,253 hours of work in the annual “The Big Event,” a day-long community service project.Big Event 1“Whether you’re cleaning something up, or helping someone in some way, they notice,” MU President Fran Hendricks told the students before they headed out on their assignments. “The opportunity for service is part of our creed. The fact that you are here today, giving up a part of your weekend to help someone is very, very important. I salute every one of you.”

“Mansfield gives us a lot, so it’s our turn to give back,” Damien Wickizer, Student Government Association (SGA) vice president said.

The volunteers represented the spectrum of the MU community; clubs andBig Event 2 2Big Event 2 organizations, Greek organizations, athletic teams and individuals, completed projects all over the Mansfield and Wellsboro area and as far away as Chemung, NY.

“Seeing the diverse group of different clubs, organizations and teams we have here today is awesome,” Frank Crofchick MU Community Conduct officer and Service coordinator and Big Event coordinator,” said. “And you’re here for one reason, and that’s to give back to the community and help people in need.”

In addition to the students, Crofchick credits SGA and the Community Service Club for making “The Big Event” a success.

To see more pictures from “The Big Event,” click here.

For more information on community and volunteer services at MU, go to