Shawndra Holderby Gives Presentation at Global Study Symposium

 MANSFIELD, PA— Shawndra Holderby, associate professor of History and director of the Women’s Studies Program at Mansfield University, presented a talk on the importance of international travel opportunities for college students at the Boston Global Study Symposium, hosted by EF College Study Tours, November 3-5.Shawndra Holbert (standing on right) with a Mansfield travel group in Greece, March 2016.Holderby talked with college professors and administrators from across the U.S.  Her presentation included a discussion on recruitment, financing and building sustainable short-term study abroad programs on college campuses.

Holderby has been leading student spring break trips to Europe since 2006.  This spring she is leading trips to Great Britain and Iceland.

“I believe traveling is one of the most important things a students can do,” Holderby said. “We have been lucky to have support for study abroad of all kinds from the professors and administrators at Mansfield over the years.”

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