First Albert Dalmolen Memorial Scholarship Awarded

MANSFIELD, PA— Colton Long, a senior from Warrington, PA, is the(L-R) MU President Fran Hendricks, Eve Dalmolen, scholarship recipient Colton Long, Hans Dalmolen, Samantha Dalmolen. first recipient of the Albert Dalmolen Memorial Scholarship in Political Science at Mansfield University.

Long was honored at a reception attended by Dalmolen’s widow Eve, his son Hans and granddaughter Samantha, along with Mansfield University administrators, faculty, staff and students on November 21.

“I really appreciate this scholarship and what it means to me and my education,” Long said. “I truly believe education is intrinsically valuable and it’s something that benefits your life and society as a whole.”

In thanking Political Science Professors Jeff Bosworth and Jonathan Rothermel, the rest of the Mansfield faculty, administration and his fellow students, Long recalled considering transferring from MU at the end of his sophomore year. But after talking to faculty, fellow students and administrators he decided to stay and is happy he did so.

“The reason why I stayed is that there is certain student-professor relationship here that is valuable and you can’t get it everywhere,” he said.” When you see professors that demonstrate a quantifiable interest in you as a student and a person, that’s rare and that’s valuable. It’s something I came to appreciate and I appreciate all the more with this scholarship.”

“Colton embodies what Dr. Dalmolen wanted in a student,” MU President Fran Hendricks, a former student of Dalomlen’s, said. “He wanted us to ask those hard questions and to question authority. It’s a great honor that Colton represents this great man and what he meant to this school.”

“On behalf of our family, I’d like to congratulate Colton,” Hans Dalmolen said. “My dad, if he was here, and whether he was asked or not, would probably have some advice for you. He would tell you that you have to maintain the absolute highest standards in and outside the classroom, that it’s important to be compassionate toward people and it’s important to always know your surroundings. And he’d tell you to do all these things with a sense of humor.”

Dalmolen taught Political Science at Mansfield, first part-time and then on a full-time basis totally nearly 20 years of service. He compiled an outstanding record in the areas of teaching, research and service and made an indelible impact on the entire Mansfield University community as an educator, mentor and friend who dedicated his life to instructing and inspiring students and colleagues.

After retiring in 2002, Dalmolen was granted emeritus status in that same year. He passed away in January 2004.

MU President Fran Hendricks presents the MU Presidential Coin for Excellence to Eve Dalmolen.Also at the reception, President Hendricks honored Dalmolen posthumously by presenting the Presidential Coin for Excellence to his widow, Eve.

In pointing out the symbolism on the coin, Hendricks made particular note of the phrase Semper Honorus, “which is Latin for Always with Honor and that is how Dr. Dalmolen went about his duties in preparing our students for their life’s journey,” he said.

For more information on the Mansfield University Presidential Coin for Excellence, go to     

The Albert Dalmolen Memorial Scholarship is administered by the Mansfield University Foundation. To contribute online, go to   By mail, address contributions to MU Foundation, 524 North Hall, Mansfield University, Mansfield, PA 16933. For more information or additional assistance call (570)662-4852 or email