MANSFIELD, PA— A “Stomp out Stigma Walk for Mental Illness” will be held on Saturday, May 2 in Mansfield.
The purpose of the walk is to raise awareness of and treatment for mental illness, and to raise money for the Tioga County Chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). The effort is spearheaded by MU Social Work students Bianca Gordon, Brittany Behm, Jenson Goodrich and Jessica Knapp, who are part of Assistant Professor Mary Daly’s Communities and Organizations class.
“Chances are we all know someone affected by mental illness,” Goodrich said. “We want to help them and the community to understand that their illnesses do not define them. It is okay to reach out for help.”
According to NAMI, one in five Americans lives with a mental disorder, but estimates show two-thirds of those with a diagnosable mental illness do not seek treatment. Reasoning for not seeking treatment ranges from a lack of knowledge, fear of disclosure, rejection of friends and discrimination.
On May 2, signs-up will held be from 9-10 a.m. at the St. James Complex on St. James St. in Mansfield. The walk will begin at 10 a.m. and proceed on Route 6 to the Veterans Memorial Park in Mansfield. There will be prizes, music, speakers and refreshments at the park.
To obtain a sponsor sheet and more information on how to participate, email
To learn more about NAMI, go to
For more information on the Social Work Program at Mansfield, go to