Self-Defense Training Available to Campus Community

MANSFIELD, PA— Vince Nance is a self-defense expert who thinks everyone should be able to defend themselves. That’s why he’s giving free lessons to Mansfield University students, faculty and staff.Vance 1“Teaching people how to better deal with the threat of physical violence and how to defend themselves in the case of being physically attacked has become my greatest passion,” Nance said.

He began training at age six while living on a military base in Iceland. Over the years he’s worked in security for nightclubs in Alaska, held cagefighting titles in Virginia, and competed in Brazilian jiu-jitsu in the U.S., South Korea and China. He has a Gracie Barra Purple Belt under Fabio Costa after seven years of study in that system.

Nance began teaching self-defense in Busan, South Korea. “I was hearing a lot of stories about Western women being attacked, assaulted, harassed, stalked, and threatened,” he explained. “The law there is ambiguous and intentionally vague when it comes to prosecuting sexual assault and violence against women. Since I couldn’t affect the legal system of Koreans, I did what I could by teaching.”

The program at Mansfield University began in the fall 2014 semester through the Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Division.

“Christopher Bridges (vice president for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management) and Frank Crofchick (Community Conduct officer and Service coordinator) saw value in what the classes could offer,” Nance said. “They were on board with the idea of people having the opportunity to learn how to better defend themselves.”

Vance 2The training includes standing self-defense, ground fighting, grip fighting, leverage, foot work, escapes from holds, use of pepper spray, self-defense in a vehicle, body language and asserting boundaries.

Nance also teaches self-defense to elderly groups in Mansfield, Towanda, and Wellsboro. He’s given Girl Scout troops free trainings, and the YMCA and Contact Sports Club host self-defense events for HAVEN in Wellsboro on a bi-monthly basis.

“I can think of no better way to invest my energy and time than in empowering others to protect themselves and those around them in the face of those who would do them harm,” he said.   “And until we live in a world where no such threats exist, I will continue to do so.”

Classes are held in the Aerobics Room at Kelchner Fitness Center (KFC). Persons can sign up at the KFC front desk or Student Affairs office in Alumni Hall. Questions can be directed towards Nance at