24 Psychology Majors Inducted into Honor Society

MANSFIELD, PA—Twenty four Mansfield University psychologyPsi_Chi Image majors were inducted into Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, on April 23.

The purpose of Psi Chi is to encourage and maintain excellence in scholarship and advance the science and profession of psychology.

“The 2015 class is the largest class of students we have inducted at one time at Mansfield University since the chapter was founded in 1973,” Gretchen Sechrist, faculty advisor to Psi Chi and Psychology Department chair, said. “I could not be more proud of the academic excellence, hard work and effort of our psychology students.”

Psi Chi officers for 2014-15 are Erin Ratliff, president; Annie Dunn, vice president; Chelsey Gavin, treasurer and Katelyn Gavin, secretary.

To be a member, undergraduates students must be enrolled as a major or minor in psychology at the university, completed at least three semester of coursework and at least nine semester hours of psychology courses, and have earned a cumulative GPA that is in the top 35% of their class (sophomore, junior, or senior) compared to all other MU students.

2015 Psi Chi inductees are Alicia Bastion, Erin Bemis, Mallory Christman, Lauren Ciliberto, Alexa Dhuy, Clarice Garfield, Dylan Hess, Emily Hooker, Samantha James, Anastasia Joswick, Danielle Lentz, Brooke Miller, Caytlyn Nichols, Nicole Phillips, Marcus Philpot, Corinne Rebuck, Ashley Redell, Tristin Rounds, Mari Rowley, Casaundera Saunders, Kylie Smith, Samuel Sutton, Micaela Weber and Amelia Young.

For more information about Psi Chi at Mansfield University, go to mansfield.edu/psychology/clubs/psi-chi.cfm or psichi.org