“All Roads Lead Home” on September 25-26

MANSFIELD, PA— “All Roads Lead Home” is the theme as Mansfield University 1980s Homecoming brochureHomecoming and the Fabulous 1890s Weekend once again combine for a mega-celebration on September 25-26.

The Fabulous 1890s Weekend celebrates the world’s first night football game played on September 28, 1892 in Smythe Park.

Activities in Smythe Park will get underway at 4 p.m. on Friday. High school soccer matches and a square dance led by the Cowanesque Valley Boys highlight the schedule. 

The first hot air balloon launch will be at 5 p.m., weather permitting. To schedule a ride on Friday or Saturday, go to bit.ly/1890sballoonregistration

The 1890s Museum tent will be open and the 4-H will have displays and demonstrations Friday night and Saturday.

Highlighting Friday’s schedule on campus will be the Athletic Hall of Fame reception, dinner and induction ceremony beginning at 5:15 p.m. in the Manser North Dining Hall. Cost is $25 per person and reservations are required. Go to alumni.mansfield.edu/HC2015 or call (570) 662-4853 to reservations.

Chris Cummings ’07, Lou DiFilippantonio ’68, Jess Uhrich Hill ’08 and Willie Watts ’91 will be inducted.

The MU Music Department will present its PRISM Concert on Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. in Steadman Theatre. Tickets are $10 for adults, $8 for senior citizens and $5 for students. MU students with ID will be admitted free. Tickets can be ordered online at music.mansfield.edu or by phone at (570)662-4710.   Tickets will also be available at the door one hour before each performance.

Registration for Friday’s Homecoming golf tournament at Corey Creek Golf Club begins at 8 a.m. and play starts at 8:30 a.m. Advance registration is available at register at alumni.mansfield.edu/HC2015. All proceeds from the tournament benefit MU athletic scholarships.

On Saturday, the combined Homecoming/Fabluous1890s Parade will make its way up Main Street at 10:30 a.m. Anyone interested in marching in the parade can register at bit.ly/1890smuhomecomingparade

On campus, an Alumni Tent Party will be held in the Allen Hall parking lot before the Mountaineer football team will take on Navy at Karl Van Norman Field at 1 p.m.

The MU women’s soccer team will host Slippery Rock at 1:30 p.m. at the Soccer Field. Field hockey will take on Bloomsburg at 6 p.m. at Van Norman Field.

There will also be an alumni softball game at 11:30 a.m. at Lutes Field.

Down on Smythe Park, the day will be filled with entertainment including a Patsy Cline Tribute by Penny Eckman, “The Banjo Man,” Clyde Peeling’s Reptiland, the Chris Clark Bicycle Show, plus history, arts, crafts and sports.

The re-enactment of the world’s first night football game will take place at 8:30 p.m., followed by a spectacular fireworks display.

Admission to the Smythe Park grounds is a $3 button, which is good for the entire weekend. Purchase of a button enters everyone 18 years of age of older into a cash prize raffle to be held at the conclusion of the weekend.

To register online or download a registration form for Homecoming events, go to alumni.mansfield.edu. Call (888)305-6505 or alumni2@mansfield.edu for more information.

For a full list of events, displays and entertainment, go to 1890sweekend.com