Fabulous 1890s Weekend Dedicated to the Memory of Chester ’35 and Mary Bailey

MANSFIELD, PA— “Chester and Mary were one of the most active and influential couplesMary & Chester Bailey in 2007. in the history of Mansfield,” David Cummings, Fabulous 1890s Weekend co-chair, said. “It’s only right that we honor them by dedicating this year’s celebration to their memory.”

Both were active in various community organizations. Together they ran the Mansfield Gazette for 25 years. They created the 1890s Museum Tent in 1992. Chester, a 1935 Mansfield graduate, authored five books on local history and was involved in seeing that Rt. 15 was chosen to become I-99.

“He was also influential in the design of the Tioga-Hammond Dams,” Cummings added.  

“Chester and Mary were principal among the founders of the Fabulous 1890s Weekend 24 years ago and of the Fabulous 1890s Museum Tent,” local historian Joyce Tice said. “For most of those years they were present in their period costumes displaying early Mansfield photos and brightening everyone’s day.”

Tice has assembled a display that will commemorate their many contributions to Mansfield, as editors of the newspaper and as participants in its political and social events.

“They were the co-chairs of Mansfield Centennial in 1957 and King and Queen of the Sesquicentennial in 2007,” Tice said. “Their influence is long term and enduring.”

Mayor Tom Wierbowski said he had known Chester and Mary since he was a Mansfield undergraduate in the 1960s.

“I had to drop off and pick up materials for Jack Wilcox of the Music Department,” he said. “They were kind, gentle folk who always had the best for Mansfield in their sights. When talking with them, you had their attention and were always welcomed with a very warm and hearty ‘Hello!’ Our paths crossed in so many ways, it’s difficult to separate the personal times from those with Kiwanis or Mansfield Borough. They were ‘Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield,’ always putting other’s needs and interests ahead of their own. They were a treasure trove of information about the history of both the community and the residents. I am proud to have had them as my friends.”

Both Chester and Mary were longtime members of the First United Methodist Church of Mansfield. Chester passed away in January. Mary predeceased him, passing away in 2010.

The Fabulous 1890s Weekend/MU Homecoming is September 25-26. For information and the schedule of events, go to 1890sweekend.com