Alpha Zeta Earns National Honors

MANSFIELD, PA— The Mansfield University chapter of the Kappa Phi Club, Alpha Zeta, has been awarded the LeSourd Cup from its national organization.Members of Alpha Zeta and Advisor Courtney Hull with MU President Fran Hendricks.

First awarded in 1924, the LeSourd Cup has been awarded at the National Council of Chapters to the chapter that has demonstrated the most improvement, particularly in the areas of growth and development. This is one of three awards that can be given to an active chapter every two years.

Although the evaluation criterion have been refined and broadened over the years, the six main points used in that first year that are still used today are: Reaching the constituency, Relation to the local Church, Finance, Alumnae, Local Chapter Program Books, and Candle Beam.

Founded in 1943, the Alpha Zeta Chapter at Mansfield University has had its ups and downs in regards to its membership. I the fall of 2013, the club had only two active sisters.

“These two sisters enthusiastically and tirelessly worked to grow the chapter,” Alpha Zeta Advisor and Campus Minister Courtney Hull said. “At the end of the 2014-2015 academic year, the chapter had grown to 17 active sisters.”

This growth, as well as increased efforts in programming and service, led to the chapter being awarded not only the LeSourd Cup, but also the Rose Banner in spring 2014. The Rose Banner is given to the active chapter who have the highest excellence in planning and executing Kappa Phi programming.

According to the national organization website, “The Kappa Phi Club is a spirit. It was born to unite young university women in a common purpose of strengthening their lives so that in everyday living they will be able to stand true to Christian principles.”

The members of the Alpha Zeta Chapter of The Kappa Phi Club at Mansfield University for the 2014-15 academic year were: Allison Fehlinger (President), Emily Cromley (Vice-President/Pledge Co-Coordinator), Brionna Rafferty (Secretary), Katie Tubby (Pledge Co-Coordinator), Angela Constant (Historian), Ashleigh Durning (Chaplain), Caitlin Maguire, Heather Forenz, Amelia Lieberknecht, Jenna Townsend, Paige Eldred, Megan Wheeland, Phoebe Painter, Kara Brzozowski, Marisa Allyn, Casey Guiffredo and Danielle Newman.

“We are always looking for new women to join our Christian sisterhood,” Hull said. “Look for our recruitment activities at the beginning of each semester. All are welcome to join us.”

To learn more about the chapter, visit their Facebook page at

To find out more about Kappa Phi, go to