Respiratory Therapy Program Receives Ventilator from Geisinger Medical Center

MANSFIELD, PA—Students in Mansfield University’s Respiratory Therapy program are now able to practice their clinical skills with newer technology whenever they need to thanks to the donation of a mechanical ventilator from Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, PA.  (L-R) MU Respiratory Therapy students Katey Kohanski, Nichole Decatur, Lydia Rowe, Kyle Dagutis, Erin Simonds, Daniel Krager and Christine Kennedy with the mechanical ventilator donated by Geisinger Medical Center.

A ventilator is a machine that supports and assists breathing, gets oxygen into patients the lungs and removes carbon dioxide from the body. Before receiving this donation, MU students were only able to practice with an older ventilator or times when a newer mechanical ventilator was rented.

“Our students work with this ventilator during their clinical rotations,” Sheila Merrill, Respiratory Therapy Program director, said. “Not only will this save the school money, it will also ensure that our students are able to practice with this ventilator in the lab anytime during their education.”

“We truly appreciate this generous donation from Geisinger Medical Center,” MU President Fran Hendricks said. “This will help to better prepare our Respiratory Therapy students for the important, life-saving work they have dedicated themselves to perform.”

Merrill and Kathy Wright, Department of Health Sciences chair, point out that Kelly Cresci, operations manager for the Respiratory Care Department at Geisinger and Laurie Wallace, Clinical Educator for Respiratory Care Services, were instrumental in arranging the donation.

“Several members of the Geisinger staff who serve as clinical instructors for our students were also instrumental in recommending that this ventilator be donated,” Merrill added.

To learn more about the Respiratory Therapy program and other Health Sciences degree programs at MU, go to