Eraka Rouzorondu to Deliver Great Conversations Lecture

MANSFIELD, PA—“The Good News About Racism” will be the topic Eraka Rouzoronduof a presentation by Eraka Rouzorondu on Thursday, February 25, 6:30 p.m. in Allen Hall, Room 104. The presentation is part of the Mansfield University Great Conversation Lecture Series. It is free and open to the public.

Rouzorondu is a nationally acclaimed educator, poet, director, producer, performance artist and author. She is also the chief executive officer of Ma’at Enterprises.

She has authored two books;  Path to Power: The Making of a New Afrikan and Answers: A Philosophical Foundation for an Empowered Life.

A question and answer session will follow Rouzorondu’s presentation. Her books will also be available for sale and signing.

Rouzorondu’s presentation is sponsored by the Great Conversations Honors Program at Mansfield University. It is supported by student activities fees.