Student Life Leadership Celebration Held

MANSFIELD, PA—The third annual Student Life Leadership Celebration was held at Mansfield University on Thursday, February 18.

The event, spearheaded by the Student Affairs and Student Life Division, is the culmination of an effort to acknowledge members of the campus community whose actions best represent the Mansfield Creed in action.

One hundred and twenty three students, faculty and staff were nominated and recognized at the event. All the nominations were submitted to a committee to determine individuals who represent a facet of the Mansfield Creed; Character, Scholarship, Culture and Service in an exemplary fashion. They received special recognition at the celebration event.Leadership Celebration honorees and their nominators (L-R): Vince Nance, Ben Auger, Karri Verno, interim Dean of Students Nigel Long, Michaela Brant, Carly Golden, Bob Maris, Renee Potter, Connie Black.Karri Verno, associate professor of Psychology, was honored for Character.

Verno was nominated by student Michaela Brant, who cited her for going “beyond traditional definitions with her genuine and honest show of character last year with the passing of her mother” last fall.

“Instead of shutting her students out, she let them in and allowed it to be a learning experience for her students, especially in her Death and Dying class,” Brant wrote. “Dr. Verno chose to use her vulnerability in this situation not as a setback or weakness, but as an adornment to her already amiable characteristics. This exemplifies leadership because Dr. Verno took a step out, in courage, hoping to someday help her students cope with death, and see it does not need to keep you from living life to its fullest.”

Carly Golden, Biology/Environmental Biology major from Bethlehem, PA was honored for Scholarship.

She was nominated by Biology Professor Bob Maris, whose nomination said, “Carly Golden is one of the best students I have had the privilege of teaching in 28 years with over 5,000 students. Her work ethic is impeccable. Her drive for success, attunement to minute details, and unwillingness to accept defeat are all outstanding. Especially notable is Carly’s research ability. Her project, involving corals from Australia, in a study of biofluorescence, is at the cutting edge of Science and Technology.”

Renee Potter, assistant controller in the Accounting Department, was honored for Culture.

She was nominated by Connie Black, Potter’s co-worker in Accounting, who said, “Renee was instrumental in organizing and assisting with the Shaanxi University of Science and Technology (SUST) exchange program. Besides hosting four of the Chinese students over the holidays, she arranged all of the training and paperwork that needed to be completed by her church host families. Renee and her family spent time showing these students the area and immersing them in our American culture, as well as learning about their culture. This act portrays how Renee is dedicated to Scholarship, Culture and Service.”

Ben Auger, residence director for Sycamore Hall, was honored for Service.

Auger was nominated by graduate assistant Vince Nance, who cited several examples of how Auger “acting in service of others rather than self” and concluded by stating, “He goes above and beyond both professionally and personally for those he encounters at Mansfield University. Ben suffers from incurable service. He is a pathological servant. He is addicted to serving. And his coworkers and the students of Mansfield University are better for it.”

There is a Student Life Leadership Celebration display on the third floor of Alumni Hall.

To see more photos from the celebration, click here.