North Penn-Mansfield Special Ed Students Visit MU

MANSFIELD, PA— Special education students from the North Penn-Mansfield School District visited Mansfield University on Wednesday, February 24 to learn valuable life lessons, not to mention make and eat cookies.Connie Hendricks (left) and MU President Fran Hendricks (right) with the students from North Penn-Mansfield School District and the cookies they made.The students spent time at the President’s House, making cookies with MU President Fran Hendricks and his wife Connie.

While making cookies is fun, not to mention delicious, teacher Addie Milheim, who earned her bachelor’s (1994) and master’s (2003) degrees from Mansfield, says this is an important part of the educational process for these students in her multi-disabled classroom.

“We do a lot of community and life skills activities with these students,” she said. “Coming up here to a place they’ve never been web NPM Spec Ed 2and learning to cook something–although we’ve cooked many things in the classroom, coming into a real home and doing this makes a world of difference.”

The students, accompanied by their teachers, aides and volunteers, also visited Manser Hall for lunch, which was and also educational opportunity.

“When we’re there, they’ll have so many choices and this gives us the chance to practice portion control, money management—because we’ll be paying for our lunch, and practicing our manners.”

“This was such a thrill for Connie and me to meet these amazing young people and spend time with them,” Hendricks said. “It also gave us the chance to meet and thank their amazing teachers, aides and volunteers who do such great work with these and all their students.”

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