MU Professor Takes the Plunge for Special Olympics

MANSFIELD, PA— Gretchen Sechrist, associate professor and chair of the Mansfield University Psychology Department, was among the many brave souls who took part in the Lehigh Valley Polar Plunge on February 20.Gretchen Secrhist (red MU shirt) with her fiance, Randy Murray on her left, and sister, Amanda, in light blue shirt on right.

As a member of the “Freezin’ Fannies” team, captained by her sister Amanda, manager of Northampton County Special Olympics, Sechrist and her fiancé, Randy Murray, their teammates and their fellow plungers, jumped into the icy cold waters of the Delaware River at Scott Park in Easton, PA.

The event was one of nine held across the Commonwealth to raise money for Special Olympics Pennsylvania and build awareness for the programs Special Olympics has to offer.

Sechrist’s team raised $6,673, which was the most of the 20 teams that participated in the Lehigh Valley event. Statewide, $77,251 was raised for Special Olympics PA.

“The water was freezing (34 degrees) but it is a great cause and we plan to participate again next year,” Sechrist said.

For more information about the Polar Plunge go to