Michele Roberts to Make Earth Day Presentation

MANSFIELD, PA– Michele Roberts, national co-coordinator for the Environmental Justice Health

© Amy Roe
© Amy Roe

Alliance for Chemical Policy Reform, will be the Earth Day speaker on Tuesday, April 19, 4 p.m. in Allen Hall, Room 104.

Her presentation is entitled “Voices from the Fenceline:  How They are Speaking for Themselves.” It is free and open to the public.

Roberts, an expert in environmental racism, will speak about how the chemical and energy industries—their waste, pollution, and health hazards—disproportionately target and impact communities of color, indigenous people and low-income neighborhoods. These communities along the fenceline of industry are exposed to multiple hazards at high rates and have the least resources to influence and respond.

Roberts will share stories form her work with people in Louisiana, California, West Virginia, Arkansas, Texas, Alaska, Kentucky, New Mexico and Delaware, and report from the frontlines of the fenceline.

In addition to her presentation, Roberts will be on campus Monday, April 18 and Tuesday, April 20 visiting classes and meeting with students.

Since 1990, Roberts has provided technical assistance and advocacy support to communities regarding the impacts of toxins on human health and the environment. She received a master of art degree (2000) from the University of Delaware and a Bachelor of Science degree in biology (1983) from Morgan State University.

Roberts has co-authored reports on environmental justice issues, and her advocacy work has been featured on television and in print news and magazines.  Prior to being an advocate, Michele worked for 20 years as an environmental scientist for the government. She currently is co-director of the Environmental Justice and Health Alliance for Chemical Policy Reform.

The presentation is part of the Speakers for Tomorrow Series and sponsored by the Institute of Science and the Environment at Mansfield University.

For more information on the talk, contact Lilace Guignard, Director of the Institute of Science and the Environment, at lguignar@mansfield.edu