Summer Academic, Art and Music Camps Offered

MANSFIELD, PA— Mansfield University is offering a wide variety of music, academic and art camps this summer.

The Gifted and Talented Camp will be held July 13-19.Gifted and Talented Camp

“Our theme this year is ‘One Community, One Future,’” Co-Director Nick Horner said. “Students will be learning about sustainable science, urban development, and art as a social construct in order to better understand what a community is, locally and globally, and how they can incite positive change in the world.”

“Of course, students will also be taking trips to the pool, rock wall, downtown Mansfield, and this year a special field trip to the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon,” he added.

A number of music camps will be offered, highlighted by the Youth Music Camp July 15-19. Campers will be able to select from a variety of music classes or to learn other instruments and also participate in the production of a musical.

Young Artist Experience CampAmong the art camp offerings, the Young Artist Experience Camp, held July 27-August 1, is designed for artistic exploration, experimentation, growth, and fun for artists of a variety of levels of ability and interest. It is designed to meet the needs of the young and beginning artist.

The Marcellus Institute at Mansfield University will host the Marcellus Camp, which offers an opportunity for students in grades 10-12 to learn about the development of shale gas resources in Pennsylvania and the career and educational opportunities available after high school, on July 13-16.

To learn more about all the summer youth camp offerings at Mansfield and to register, go to