President Hendricks Announces Changes in University Structure

MANSFIELD, PA— Mansfield University President Fran Hendricks has announced several structural and administrative changes aimed towards “Mansfield University’s new Vision and Mission statements and the MU2020 Strategic Plan with its three major goals: Student Success, Resource Management and Strategic Engagement,” he said in an email to the campus community.

“To support student success, from recruitment through Christopher Bridgesgraduation and then through career growth,” Hendricks announced the creation of a new division, Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, and promoted Christopher Bridges to vice president to lead it.

Bridges has been serving as associate vice president for Student Affairs and dean of Students since coming to MU in November 2012.

The new division will retain the current Student Affairs functions and add Admissions, Residence Life and Auxiliary Services, and Athletics. It will also be charged with building a strong camps and conferences presence on campus and renewing student leadership offerings.       

In other changes, the Alumni Relations Department and College Community Services, Inc. (CCSI) will join the Finance and Administration division, led by Vice President John Adams. Adams will also work closely with the Mansfield University Foundation and MU Alumni Board.

Ross House on Main StreetAlumni Relations and the Mansfield University Foundation will be relocating their offices to the University’s Ross House on Main Street in Mansfield once renovations there are complete.

“With this move, we expect to develop stronger synergies between the Alumni office and Foundation to better connect with our alumni and increase giving levels,” Hendricks said. “The move will also provide greater visibility and presence in the community, another step toward achieving MU’s strategic engagement goals.”

The number of associate provost/dean roles will be reduced from two to one, Hendricks said.

J. P. Burke will assume the role of associate provost and dean ofJ.P. Burke the Faculty. She has been associate provost and dean of Education, Professional and Graduate Studies since August 2009.

Burke will work with David Stinebeck, who was appointed provost and senior vice president for Academic Affairs last week, and provide oversight and leadership for all academic departments while continuing to direct the Grants function at MU.

“We will also be continuing the practice of asking faculty to fill the roles of assistant to the Provost,” Hendricks said. Faculty assistants in fall 2014 are Karen Guenther, History and Political Science; Nancy Sidell, Social Work, Anthropology and Sociology; John Ulrich, English and Modern Languages; and Kathy Wright, Health Sciences.  

“This practice supports the resource management goals of providing career development opportunities for employees and recognizing those who exemplify the values of MU’s Creed,” Hendricks said.

Hendricks also announced that the Human Resources division, led by Dia Carleton, executive director of Employee and Leadership Services, will continue to provide employee services as well as lead the Social Equity, Multicultural Affairs and Women’s Center functions. The division is also responsible for compliance with Title IX, Right-To-Know, Ethics Reporting and other regulatory requirements.

Focusing on resource management and strategic engagement, Hendricks said his office, using current University staff, will establish community engagement and workforce development functions to expand MU’s corporate partnerships and align student learning with workforce and community needs.

“I have chosen John Adams, Christopher Bridges, J.P. Burke, Dia Carleton and David Stinebeck to serve as Cabinet members, providing advice, counsel and leadership for the challenges and opportunities ahead,” Hendricks said. “I am pleased to announce this organizational structure redesign, which I believe best positions MU for excellence and attainment of its goals.”