Alumni Weekend 2014

MANSFIELD, PA—More than 300 alumni, family and friends returned to Mansfield University for Alumni Weekend 2014 on June 13-14.(L-R) MU President Fran Hendricks with Society of Honors inductees John Quashnoc '70, Maureen Fallon-Walsh '78, Ali Soufan '94, Mary Jane Todd Eckel '74 and Sharon Mokrzynski Kendrick '81, who chaired the Honors Committee.

The Class of 1964, celebrating its 50th anniversary, was this year’s honored guests for alumni weekend. Thirty-six members of the class returned to MU and were recognized, along with all classes with years ending in four and nine, retired faculty, administrators and staff.

The Class of ’64 endowed a scholarship fund as a special gift to the University. Also, Rebecca Davis Osbourne ’63 announced the establishment of the Gerald Mattis Scholarship Fund in the MU President Fran Hendricks accepts a check for $7, 690 from Cameron Bausch from the Class of 1964 to endow a scholarship fund.memory of her late husband, a ’64 graduate.

Also honored at the luncheon were this year’s Society of Honors award winners. John Quashnoc ’70 was presented with the Elsie Burke Service Award. Maureen Fallon-Walsh ’78 received the Alumni Citation Award. Ali Soufan ’94 was named this year’s Outstanding Young Alumni. The Distinguished Educator Award was presented to Mary Jane Todd Eckel ’74.        

Mansfield President Fran Hendricks, a 1979 graduate marking his first year since returning to MU, acknowledged the challenges Mansfield is facing and told the gathering, “I’m certain that with the concerted efforts of faculty, staff, students and you, our loyal alumni body, we will, the paraphrase William Faulkner, we will not merely endure, we shall prevail. We must prevail for those who are presently here, and those like you and me who have gone before, but most assured we must prevail for those yet to come.”

“Mansfield is a very special place and going here is a very special time in one’s life. In my time as president I’ve had a front row seat and witnessed first-hand the impact our school has on its students and those who work here.”

Alumni Weekend 2014

The weekend also featured tours of campus, a mixer for alumni of Greek organizations, an alumni golf tournament at Corey Creek Golf Club, which serves as a fundraiser for athletic scholarships, an ice cream social hosted by President Hendricks and his wife Connie, and several social events–offering opportunities to renew acquaintances and make news ones.