Star of MTV’s Teen Mom Draws Crowd

MANSFIELD, PA— More than 400 people, including Mansfield Marci Bookout (center) with MU students after her presentation.University students, faculty and staff plus community members, attended a lecture presentation by Maci Bookout of the MTV series “Teen Mom” at Decker Gymnasium on October 16.

In a multi-media lecture, “The Struggles of a Teen Mom and Beyond,” Bookout talked about becoming a mother at age 16 and how teen motherhood made her even more determined to follow her dreams, continue her education and juggle the role of being a mother while bettering herself.

After the presentation, more than 150 people attended a question and answer session and had the chance to meet Bookout.

MTV had a crew on campus filming her lecture with plans to air the footage in January 2015

This event was sponsored by the Student Activities Office and funded by student activity fees.