Celebrating Leadership

MANSFIELD, PA— “Stories of the Creed” was the theme of the first Special honorees with their nominators: (L-R) Robert Maris, Stephanie Richards, Jonathan Rothermel, Trevor White, Jeffrey Bosworth, Colton Long, Associate VP Chris Bridges, Steve McCloskey, Ryan McNamara. Jason White was unable to attend.annual Leadership Celebration held at Mansfield University on February 27.

The event, spearheaded by the Student Life Division, was the culmination of an effort to acknowledge members of the campus community whose actions best represent the Mansfield Creed in action. Seventy eight students, faculty and staff were nominated and recognized at the event.

All the nominations were submitted to a committee to determine individuals who were represent a facet of the Creed; Character, Scholarship, Culture and Service in an exemplary fashion.  They received special recognition at the celebration event.

Stephanie Richards, a Biology major from Pine City, NY, was honored for Character.

Richards was nominated by Biology Professor Robert Maris, who cited her perseverance through personal hardship and stated in his nomination, “Through all the ongoing difficulties, Steph is undoubtedly the most driven student I have witnessed, focused on mastering every concept in her studies, not for the grade, but for the knowledge… She puts the needs, hopes, desires, and dreams of all others ahead of her own. Highlighting Character, Stephanie Richards is indeed a leader at a level of her own, who lives all four parts of the Mansfield Creed daily through example.”

Associate Professor Jeffrey Bosworth and Assistant Professor Jonathan Rothermel, both of the History and Political Science Department, were honored for Scholarship.

They were nominated by Political Science major Colton Long who wrote, “Drs. Bosworth and Rothermel are not just professors, not just teachers, and not just mentors. They exemplify, every day, every week, year in and year out, a passion not just for the material they teach but also for the students being taught… Students who attend a school and witness such an overt display of dedication to one’s chosen field of expertise, along with an intense commitment to academia, cannot help but to continue their search for knowledge.”

Student Trevor Clark, a Public Relations major from Emporium, PA, who is vice president of the Student Government Association (SGA), was honored for Culture.

Clark was nominated by fellow student and SGA member Jason White who wrote, “Trevor Clark first posted and tweeted #LoveMU on September 21. This simple gesture has become an expression of love for our school and is now being used as a marketing and promotional tool. Rather than seeking personal recognition, Trevor chose to keep quiet about his post so that it might become a symbol for our campus community. …That idea has become a symbol that has been widely shared by current MU students, faculty, administrators, and alumni in an expression of unity in our shared love for Mansfield University.”

Steve McCloskey, director of Athletic Operations and Information, was honored for Service.

McCloskey was nominated by Ryan McNamara, Sports Information assistant, and also received an anonymous nomination. McNamara wrote, “Steve was the driving force behind the highly successful September 14 ‘Light Up Mansfield – Again’ events this past fall, starting from the from the inception right up to serving as the chair of the organizing committee. The celebration encompassed all departments throughout the University and was a major source of pride for current students, alumni, and the surrounding community…The event was truly a coming-together of the entire University and community and countless individuals contributed to its success. None of this could have been possible without Steve’s vision, leadership and extreme sacrifice. He truly exemplifies what it means to be a Mountaineer.”

To read all the nominations, click here.

To see pictures from the Leadership Celebration, click here.

Musical accompaniment during the Celebration event was provided by Music major Carlos Rodriguez.  Student acapella group Phi Mu Alpha provided entertainment. Association Vice President for Student Affairs Chris Bridges served as master of ceremonies, with assistance from Ruth Hermansen, associate director for Student Life.