Presentation on Negro Baseball Leagues Rescheduled

MANSFIELD, PA—Mansfield University will present Byron Motley’s Negro Baseball Leagues – An American Legacy on Tuesday, March 11, 7:30 p.m. in North Manser Hall. The presentation is free and open to the public.Negro Baseball Leagues-An American LegacyNegro Baseball Leagues – An American Legacy highlights moments of a little known era of American history. Motley, a lecturer, filmmaker author and entertainer, gives an engaging and illuminating look at this bygone era that helped to give birth to the modern day Civil Rights movement in America.

Included with the lecture is a video presentation of a Negro League documentary being produced by Motley for PBS. The video contains historic interviews with Hank Aaron, Maya Angelou, Willie Mays, Walter Cronkite, President Bill Clinton, former Secretary of State Colin Powell and others.

For more information on Motley, go to

This event was originally scheduled for February 5 as part of MU’s celebration of Black History Month, but was postponed due to a winter storm on that day.

This event is sponsored by the Student Activities Office and is funded by student activity fees.