Mansfield CEC Donates to Area School

MANSFIELD, PA—The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) at L-R, Front Row: CEC members Allie Kaluzny, Karl Fray, Brittnee Lane, Alex Geise, Brittany Wright.  L-R, Back Row: Brenda love, preschool teacher, Michele Moore, CEC advisor, Jesse Millard, principal.Mansfield University recently presented $600 in donations to Clark Wood Elementary School in Elkland.

Made aware of the need by Advisor Michele Moore, assistant professor of Education & Special Education, CEC members began collecting clothing, school supplies, educational games and toys several months ago. The organization also purchased several items with their own funds.

CEC holds several fundraisers each year, a Valentine’s Day carnation sale for example, and also is involved in several awareness programs primarily aimed at advocating for individuals with special needs.